Hopes and Dreams

I wrote you a song
But how can words capture
The rights and wrongs
Of how my heart is in rapture

A song with words … Read the rest

Categorized as Love


Don’t tempt fate, we are told
Be content with our lot
Streets are not paved with gold
Don’t these all get us in a knot… Read the rest

Categorized as Stories


We spend our lives searching
For positive approval
But our hearts are always hurting
As all we get is refusal

Why are we always wrong?… Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

Rocking Chair

I sit and rock on my porch
I watch people go by
So many on Sunday, going to church
But other days I just watch … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

Glens of Antrim

A wonderous place of myth and history
A place of nine glens
Containing a world of mystery
But always welcoming new friends

Beaches, cliffs, waterfalls… Read the rest

Categorized as Antrim

A Wedding

There is a wedding
Today in the Castle
Let’s hope no beheading
As that would cause a lot of hassle

Ladies in splendid dresses
Men … Read the rest

Categorized as Antrim

A Road Trip

The Causeway Coastal Route awaits
Through Ballythis and Ballythat
And there is no need to race
Even when the road is long and flat

Sea … Read the rest

Categorized as Antrim

Slipping Away

Slowly, second by second
The Summer is slipping away
Autumn has already beckoned
With the Sun setting earlier every day

Is it me, are Summers … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories