Thoughts of You

In the stillness of the night, when shadows dance
And silence wraps around us like a gentle trance
Thoughts of you, likes stars above, shimmer bright
Guiding us through darkness with their soft light

In the quiet hours when the world’s asleep
Your presence in our mind, a treasure to keep
Each though a warm embrace, a soothing balm
In the heart’s sanctuary, a quiet calm

Your memory, a melody that softly plays
Through the hours of the night, it gently sways
In the solitude, your image is our sight
Thoughts of you give us comfort in the night

Though miles may stretch between us, far and wide
In dreams, you’re by our side, a constant guide
With every breath we feel your presence need
A beacon of peace, casting out fear

So, let the night unfold its velvet cloak
As dreams entwine us in their gentle yoke
For in the stillness, in the hush of the night
Thoughts of you give us comfort, pure and bright.