
Mirrors on a wall, standing tall
Each one a portal, each one gives out a call
Capturing souls in a glittering embrace
Reflecting dreams of a distant place

The first mirror, a sad soul it keeps
In its glassy depth where shadows sleep
A face peers back with sad eyes so deep
A secret locked, a promise to keep

The second mirror holds a dream
A fleeting vision, a silver stream
Reflections of hope, so bright, so clear
A world unseen, yet it feels so near

The third mirror cradles a memory
A distant echo, a silent plea
Moments pass in a glint of time
Etched in golden light, in a silent rhyme

Each mirror a tale, a silent sage
A living story on a glittering page
They capture, they hold, they softly sing
Of souls, of dreams, of memories’ ring

A soldier’s face in one appears
Eyes that have seen the darkest fears
Battles fought, and comrades gone
A memory of courage drawn

Then there’s a mirror, soft with grace
A dancer caught in timeless space
Spinning dreams on pointe and air
Each pirouette a whispered prayer

An artist’s soul in colours bold
Brushstrokes of a tale untold
Canvas worlds of joy and pain
In this mirror a life’s refrain

One shows a smile that hides a scar
A wanderer who’s travelled far
Dreams of roads and distant lands
Etched in lines upon his hands

Each mirror a mosaic bright
Of dreams and sorrows, day and night
A gallery of lives displayed
In their frames, their moments stayed

So, on this wall, the mirrors stand
Reflecting every soul and strand
A silent choir of whispered gleams
A wall of souls, of hopes, of dreams.