
Time, unseen but relentless
It weaves through our lives
Tiptoeing gently in the morning light
And racing through the darkness of the night

We blink, and hours are gone
In a heartbeat the present is the past
Minutes slip through fingers like sand
Time is an elusive force we can’t command

Time knows no mercy, shows no regard
It just marches forward year by year
In its shadow we dance and play
Bound by the rhythm of night and day

We chase it, we fight it, try to change it
But time just moves on, a faithless friend
It shapes our every journey, it tells our tale
It’s doesn’t always guide us gently, but it can never fail

For though it’s quiet, though it’s slow
Thought it’s fast, time is everything
It controls our lives, a constant guide
As in its vast embrace, we all reside.