Love is Like a Mountain Stream

Love is like a mountain stream
Winding through a timeless dream
From lofty peaks it finds its start
It’s a whispered sone within a heart

It travels down rugged heights
In the dancing beams of morning light
With a rush and a roar it carves its way
Through impossible cliffs and wild spray

In valleys deep it slows its pace
Reflecting skies, a quiet grace
Through cast meadows, where wildflowers bloom
It gently flows, dispelling gloom

It wanders past old village walls
Where children play, the elderly chat and evening calls
At time a trickle, soft and clear
At times a torrent, wild, sincere

Through every twist and turn it goes
In summer’s warmth, in winter’s snows
An endless journey, ever new
A stream pure, a love so true

And though the path is never straight
It finds its course, defying fate
For love, like water, will endure
A timeless force, forever sure.