Skies of Blue

It is the summer, yet we wake to rain
Clouds hide the sun’s warm rays
We put on jumpers, feeling the chill again
We long for our gardens, for the open warm space

Yet all we do is open our umbrellas wide
Shielding us from downpours that drown our dreams
A blanket on the bed, where warmth does hide
Daily our hearts ache for summer to arrive

We long for summers of long ago, when skies were blue and clear
When laughter filled the air, danced on the breeze
Now the present feels distant, the past so near
As rain continues to fall through the day, the night

The memories of summers with warm days we now hold so tight
While we wish for heat, for a glimpse of sun
But in this season of grey, we find a light
In our dreams of summers past and skies of blue.