Christmas Angels

In Madeira’s heart, in the city of Funchal
Beneath a starry sky
The Christmas angels quietly stand
Guardians of this enchanted land

Their wings, a shimmer of silver light
Glimmer in the dark of the evening
Watching over the alleys and byways
Where festive spirits sing and blaze

Coloured lights wherever you turn
Wonderous treasures for Christmas gifts
And warming drinks to keep out the cold
As stories of Christmas past are softly told

Elves in abundance in costumers of many colours
As they dance beneath the Christmas sky
Their laughter fills the market like a silver bell
A merry charm casting a gentle spell

The angels watch over all with a tenderness
As happiness and joy fills the city
Families and friends meet under the wings of the dove
As in Madeira’s heart all is peace and love.