
A golden sun is low in the sky
The fields, uncut, wave goodbye in the gentle breeze
Poppies dance, their petals still bright
As they sway in the fading light

The day was wonderful, never better
Joy was in every step, every heartbeat
The world outside meant nothing, I was here with you
And amazing angel with eyes so true

You walked beside me, softly into the twilight
Our laughter, our joy, rode in the breeze
And as the sun gave way to the moon
We both knew this was the best day this June

As the sun continued to set, gold painted the sky
Love surrounded us, gently but boldly
As in this moment, both alone in a beautiful land
We know we held the universe in our hand

This was our day, so precious, such a memory
The fields, the poppies, the light
And as the dark comes our way
We were grateful for this special day.