Hearts can’t sleep when they are broken
Hearts may cry and moan
But hearts will never be alone
Hearts will always reach out seeking, hoping
They once held love, so so bright
They held stories without an end
That echoed in hearts though a dark night
Full of promises that lost the light
Hearts can’t sleep when they are broken
Hearts may cry and moan
But hearts will never be alone
Hearts will always reach out seeking, hoping
Shattered dream are like fallen glass
Yet once they were bright and full of hope
Now a faded memory but shadows last
And hearts are left aching and torn
Hearts can’t sleep when they are broken
Hearts may cry and moan
But hearts will never be alone
Hearts will always reach out seeking, hoping
Yet pain must one day wane
Love may break but souls mend
Like flowers bloom after rain
And hearts will find a way to love again
Hearts can’t sleep when they are broken
Hearts may cry and moan
But hearts will never be alone
Hearts will always reach out seeking, hoping.