The Delta Lady

From the Delta she came, a voice pure and true
With her soft southern sounds, her life began anew
With each song she sang, the world heard a star
A candle of brilliance, she lite up every stage

Her fame spread before her, her name always in lights
Yet shadows of sorrow were in her nights
For love was a stranger, elusive, cold, never there
Her heart was empty, wishing to be filled

The fame grew larger, yet silent tears fell
For deep in her spirit the Delta cast a spell
The Mississippi, the soil, its skies
Called out to her despite her fame

She dreamt of the bayou, the never-ending bird song
The magnolia blooming where she once belonged
But duty and fame kept her away
Even as the Delta begged her to come home

In crowed arenas, her heart was alone
Everything around her chilled her to the bone
Her roots pulled her softly, gently but firmly
A reminder of home, where she belonged

Her voice was her fortune, sorrow was her friend
The Delta’s calling she could not transcend
Her heart, though unclaimed by love
Knew its home was in the Delta’s warm embrace.