Someone Too

I want to be someone too
You speak of others, of what they do
You tell tales in words of gold
While I stand in the cold

These others shine so bright, they touch the sky
You raise them up, singing their praises high
But here I am, with dreams of me and you
Don’t you see I could be someone too

I long, I want, to stand where these others now tread
To fill the space where words were said
Why not me? Why not my name?
Am I not worthy of the same?

I carry hope, I have faced my fears
I have walked alone through countless years
Yet, still I ask, I scream, with a heart so true
Is there no place for me with you?

I want to be someone too
To make my mark, to break through
So, don’t let me fade into the blue
For I am here, and I am someone too.