Broken Hearts Can’t Sleep

Hearts can’t sleep when they are broken
Hearts may cry and moan
But hearts will never be alone
Hearts will always reach out seeking, hoping… Read the rest

Categorized as Love


Injustice walks beside us, it always has
It’s been a silent whisper society choose not to hear
Yet was saw the pain in hungry eyes… Read the rest

Categorized as Political

Good News Travels

Do you listen to the news, do you read what they say?
It’s all about doom and gloom, every hour, every day
Wars and disasters, … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

The Wonders of Leisure

No morning rush, no watching the clock
No crowded trains, no traffic jams
Now, days belong to you to spend as you will
To sit … Read the rest

Categorized as Life

Never Too Old To Love

You remember the fire of your youth
The thrill of a look, the excitement, the wonder
You want to hold a hand, your heart is … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

Born to Fly

When love leaves like the fading light
And sorrow lingers throughout the night
Know the truth, know it is strong
That your heart will always … Read the rest

Categorized as Love