He Sang

He sang with a voice
That said his heart was hurt
She said she had no choice
And his heart now wanted to burst

He … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

Cobbles and Lights

In Pezenas as the evening softly falls
The cobbles rest beneath twilight’s glow
Shops and restaurants cast a gentle light
A portrait of peace woven … Read the rest

Categorized as Pezensa

Balcony Lights

Beneath the balcony’s glow
A symphony of colours bright
Yet my heart is now heavy
And as dark as the night

The vibrant balcony lights … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

An Avent-garde Film

Like in an old black and white avent-garde film
A mysterious figure appears out of the rain
Why was he here, who was he searching … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories