
Tomorrow is Monday
The day you will go
No darling, no no no
Please hear me, please stay

The wind in my soul is cold… Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

Mankind Think

The forests stopped speaking
Branches and leaves sleeping
An unearthly silence filled the land
Should mankind be taking a stand?

Animals ceased to move
What … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories


Covid is in the schools
Year Groups sent home
And Teachers writing new rules
Remaining pupils can’t roam

Classes online, log in on time
Read … Read the rest

Categorized as Covid


How quickly passion goes
And contempt is its replacement
I remember the day I bought you a rose
Now I hide in the basement

Passion … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow


Slow, so slow, four miles an hour
Ducks and swans say hi
Raining, we get a shower
Birds watching from the sky

The canal is … Read the rest

Categorized as Canals


Come for a trip
A day on the canal
The price, a snip
You and a pal

But two in a tight seat
Row after … Read the rest

Categorized as Canals

Lisa’s Hairbrush

The lovely Lisa lost her hairbrush
Boat was searched from stem to stern
Sometimes even in a rush
While among the crew deep concern

The … Read the rest

Categorized as Canals

Lisa’s Hairbrush

The lovely Lisa lost her hairbrush
Boat was searched from stem to stern
Sometimes even in a rush
While among the crew deep concern

The … Read the rest

Categorized as Canals