We belong to others
And our paths are set
But we know we love another
And we have no regret
Can we make the moves?… Read the rest
We belong to others
And our paths are set
But we know we love another
And we have no regret
Can we make the moves?… Read the rest
We belong to others
And our paths are set
But we know we love another
And we have no regret
Can we make the moves?… Read the rest
How often, oh how often
Do I pray you will see me
The love in my eyes
And set my heart free
How often, oh … Read the rest
Always needed, seldom found
Yet it is always around
And in us all
How strong are we
Do we just agree
Without a fight
Stand … Read the rest
A day full of walks and lakes
So far away from everyday
And so easy to talk of mistakes
As time slipped away
A day … Read the rest
Recalling my past
So many memories
So many years gone so fast
Thankfully some full of victories
Trips to Ireland
As a child such a … Read the rest
Today is Polling Day
Place your cross
And have your say
Or democracy will suffer a loss
Pick a party, pick a name
You can … Read the rest
The bowling green is before us
A neat carpet of green
As far as I can see
And worthy of a Queen
Surrounded by benches… Read the rest
Today is an autumn day in May
So strange and bizarre
Certainly not one for a Bank Holiday
It’s really really not fair
But maybe … Read the rest
Bluebells surrounding our feet
As the forest whispers our names
So so far away from the streets
And the endless games
Birdsongs filling the evening … Read the rest