Palm trees touching the ceiling
Quiet booths with big sofas and chairs
Your senses can be sent reeling
As you are offered so much choice… Read the rest
My Poetry
Sunflowers in the Fireplace
In the fireplace the sunflowers stand tall
Echoes of us in their hearts
Long days, longer nights, in your gentle grace
Your smile, a beacon, … Read the rest
An Artisan Courtyard
In the artisan courtyard morning breaks
With sunlit whispers of a day to remember
Visitors gather, hearts light and free
Immediately seeking shade beneath an … Read the rest
The Bench
Beneath ancient trees it stands
A bench alone in silence
Once a haven for the young
Where love’s sweet whispers were song
Here, young lovers … Read the rest
He Sang
He sang with a voice
That said his heart was hurt
She said she had no choice
And his heart now wanted to burst
He … Read the rest
Dancing in the Sand
My mind is full of your memory
I hold you in my dreams and
I remember days on dancing in the sand
Yet now you … Read the rest
Cobbles and Lights
In Pezenas as the evening softly falls
The cobbles rest beneath twilight’s glow
Shops and restaurants cast a gentle light
A portrait of peace woven … Read the rest
A Village Duck Pond
By the village duck pond on a summer’s day
Where trees reflect on still water
Quiet and serene, a tranquil sight
A haven of peace … Read the rest
In the Lanes
Alongside the lanes where the summer sun shines
Nature unveils her vibrant beauty
The sun’s golden rays dance through the green
A portrait set in … Read the rest
The Tree
The tree again stands alone and silent
This year’s crop is gone
The field around it lies still and bare
And in the quiet of … Read the rest