The cold of the wind mirrors the cold in my heart
Why were you taken from me so early?
I never dreamt we would ever … Read the rest
My Poetry
How smug and self-satisfying are our lives
Are we scared of the knives
that threaten our views every day?
Do we ever consider we should … Read the rest
Over and Over Again
You are a song I can’t get out of my head
Over and over again
I even hear it in my bed
Why do you … Read the rest
A Beautiful Mask
The wind moved in your hair
Falling across your eyes and smile
A face so beautiful and fair
One designed to beguile
I lost my … Read the rest
The Message
The message was lost and then found
So much news, but so old
The new King was crowned
And people had been told
What did … Read the rest
Christmas on the Canal
The night is dark and still on the canal
Tied up on Christmas Eve
Such a boost to my morale
To stop, think and believe… Read the rest
Castanet Christmas
Castanet choruses filled the air
Saying Christmas is coming
The time of love and share
To put aside pain and start humming
Castanets rhythmic rattles … Read the rest
Christmas Crackers
Look at the jolly lights in the street
Watch everyone hurrying and scurrying
Praying it doesn’t sleet
As they will only start worrying
Shops are … Read the rest
Covid in Schools
We are in today, out tomorrow
Covid wanders the building
Empty classes, so much sorrow
Lots of unhappy children
Two weeks out, virtual classes
Teachers … Read the rest
Ladies who Lunch
Ladies now don’t lunch they dine
Fine restaurants, fine plates
No beers, expensive wines
And all the ladies are mates
Lobster not liver, no chips… Read the rest