A new friend said writing is the best skill we have
Still better the thoughts that go into it
Lizzie is on the money
To … Read the rest
My Poetry
Alaska at Christmas
Alaska at Christmas, so cold
Ice under foot, snow in the air
To venture out be bold
And at times mind the bear
Alaska at … Read the rest
So lonely tonight
Just waiting for the dawn
and the morning light
The dark will be gone
Days when nights were my friend are over… Read the rest
Rosemary is aromatic
A native of the Med
Sometimes even autocratic
And great in bread
Rosemary is a lady fair
Strong willed and determined
And … Read the rest
We are clever, very clever
We do complex actions quickly
Our brains can go on and on for ever
And everything is done quickly
We … Read the rest
I live in my head always alone
Company just distracts thoughts
Why do I need testosterone?
when conversations tie me in knots
Many stories fill … Read the rest
Lay Her Head (II)
The world continued to be her oyster
Companies endlessly wanted her beauty
Never dreamed of this when a youngster
Now she is never off duty… Read the rest
Lay Her Head (I)
Travelling the world, seeing the sights
Paris today, Rome tomorrow
Soon Alaska and the Northern Lights
But where is her home
Leaving Texas at eighteen… Read the rest
The Second Coming
Covid, the second coming
Here we go again
Hear the drumming
The future, lots more pain
Today Covid is back
Numbers increasing
The future looks … Read the rest
An Air Stewardess
High, high above the Earth
Here today, there tomorrow
Even attended a birth
And landed in snow
Food and drink delivered to many
Short trips, … Read the rest