
Facing no competition, the only seller
A unique product in the market
Looking forward to stocking his wine cellar
And buying a magic carpet

The … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

Healing Waters

Crystal clear waters washes over our hands
Cleansing us of impurities
Is this one of God’s plans?
Water destroying our uncertainties

Fresh tears run down … Read the rest

Categorized as Love


Sadness covered the Earth
Tears through the clouds flowed
Not more laughter and mirth
Just mournful thoughts in all abodes

The darkness slowly came
Day … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

The Death of Passion

How quickly passion goes
And contempt is its replacement
I remember the days I brought you a rose
Now I hide in the basement

Passion … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

So Associated with Love

So associated with love
Candlelight evening
Soft music and wine
And talk of true love

So associated with love
The cry of a new baby… Read the rest

Categorized as Stories


In a nest of canaries, a songbird
One that never sings a wrong note
An island of dreams
Or so it seems

Mountains, beaches, desert… Read the rest

Categorized as Places

Look in, Look out

Look in, look out
Which is best
I seriously have a doubt
And need to avoid a mess

Look in, look out
I must decide… Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

Death’s Drummer

How he wished for a touch of magic
Even just a sprinkle
Hopefully replacing the tragic
with a twinkle

Never one to demand
but his … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories