Mirrors on a wall, standing tall
Each one a portal, each one gives out a call
Capturing souls in a glittering embrace
Reflecting dreams of … Read the rest
My Poetry
Britain’s Got Talent
On a British stage talent gleams
With flash and flair like bad dreams
And yes sometimes flashy takes the lead
Within an over structured hollow … Read the rest
We are having an election
More dodgy promises from yesterday’s men
So stop, let’s have some reflection
As the future has to be better than … Read the rest
A Rose Garden
In the quiet of a garden, roses bloomed bright
We wandered in the paths, watching out for rain
But among roses with petals like whispers … Read the rest
Rest Easy
In the silence of a quiet room
I send my thoughts, gentle and kind
May the healing winds find you
And bring you wellness in … Read the rest
So, an election on Independence Day
Irony’s shadow will certainly be cast
As we all finally have our say
On fourteen yeas we want to … Read the rest
The Ponies
Under a sky of steel, storm clouds roll in
The ponies graze on abundant moorland
The horizon darkens, shadows stretch and grow
But the ponies … Read the rest
The First Rose of Summer
In the garden’s embrace, red petals open
The first rose of summer is here
Petals crafted by nature, kissed by the sun
Its beauty says … Read the rest
In the Sun’s Warm Embrace
In the quiet of the sun’s warm embrace
ies a narrow boat marina, a place of grace
Where sunbeams dance on the water’s surface
And … Read the rest
In the Sun’s Warm Embrace
In the quiet of the sun’s warm embrace
Lies a narrow boat marina, a place of grace
Where sunbeams dance on the water’s surface
And … Read the rest