The chair, still under the table
The wine, half a glass left
The company, small artificial flowers
And so he sits alone, bereft
He’d hoped, … Read the rest
The chair, still under the table
The wine, half a glass left
The company, small artificial flowers
And so he sits alone, bereft
He’d hoped, … Read the rest
Turn on your radio, give it your ears
How many songs will you hear about Georgia
Midnight Train to Georgia, Georgia Rain, Georgia on my … Read the rest
I stopped watching
I stopped listening
I stopped reading
I stopped talking about
The endless speculation
Facts – what are those
Just doomsday … Read the rest
Men of a certain age with long hair, wild beards and an occasional hat
Women of a certain age with long flowing hair and dresses… Read the rest
Possibly today will be better than yesterday
Possibly today there will be no rain
Possibly today I will find red shoes
Possibly today my knee … Read the rest
Trains – standing room only
Tube – disruption
Poetry event – very crowded
Raffle – won £50 worth of books
Harrods – very posh, but … Read the rest
In the middle of quiet farming fields
Silence reigns as echoes dance
Telling secrets to the hedges and trees
And the earth softly sings with … Read the rest
In my silent moments, when sunlight fades
My heart remembers that smile full of grace
It drove away darkness, banished my tears
As that smile … Read the rest
The dance of hearts creates a bond
Once you have given your heart, your all
It’s a trust which can never abscond
It binds hearts … Read the rest
In our dreams we find a secret place
But why, I wonder, do they just slip away
As when dawn breaks and the world is … Read the rest