In the velvet of the night
Where stars gentle gleam
A lover’s moon hangs distant and serene
Stirring memories of times long gone
A lover’s … Read the rest
In the velvet of the night
Where stars gentle gleam
A lover’s moon hangs distant and serene
Stirring memories of times long gone
A lover’s … Read the rest
In a bustling square of modern shops
An old market hall stands full of tales of old
A place once full of merchants with wonderous … Read the rest
In the chamber of my mind
Where whispers speak of you
Creating works of beauty and art
That then dwell always in my heart
In … Read the rest
I dance with your memory
Every step an echo of the past
Each swing and twirl a lament
Every movement our last
I dance with … Read the rest
In the shadowy quiet of a wistful night
A heart beats in loneliness
Trapped in the arms of love’s enduring pain
It struggles with an … Read the rest
Men on all sides
Fight in the name of freedom
Children’s blood flows in the street
Where is God when we need him
Men saying … Read the rest
In a quiet corner of a market town
Stands a humble shed where men with flair
And tools in their hands
Take on projects with … Read the rest
In the tapestry of life
An opportunity to live again
To stop and cease to mourn
As a second chance is born
A glimmer of … Read the rest
In the corners of our mind
Precious moments dwell
So many stories we could tell
But like smoke memories slowly fade
However, time is relentless, … Read the rest
In a market town beside a canal
A festival blooms with fragrant delight
Ginger and spice dance in colourful grace
Raising the town’s morale
The … Read the rest