He promised champagne and roses
But did he offer love
He promised you the world
But did you see the dove
I only promise my … Read the rest
He promised champagne and roses
But did he offer love
He promised you the world
But did you see the dove
I only promise my … Read the rest
I never asked for more
But don’t my eyes say it all
In a quiet look, there’s a silent call
A secret waiting to be … Read the rest
By counting on you, my strength is made whole
You lift me up, filling the holes in my soul
With your love in my heart, … Read the rest
Counting numbers, counting words
A dance of logic, thoughts unheard
Do you subtract, do you add
In this game is that good or bad?
Is … Read the rest
By counting on you, my strength is made whole
You lift me up, filling the holes in my soul
With your love in my heart, … Read the rest
The rain, unyielding, never ends
It pours from the skies, though fields it sends
A steady stream of water
That carves a path through country … Read the rest
Hurricane warnings are just part of life
They are always there, waiting out in the Gulf
And when it rains, it rains, it’s no gentle … Read the rest
Once the cottage stood in the forest
A refuge for all workers on a winter’s day
While the northern winds blew, the log fire
Kept … Read the rest
I know you have said no, but my heart won’t let go
I walk with your memories, I see those eyes
Whenever I dream, they … Read the rest
What a day, what a night
I only met you yesterday
But you put sunshine in my heart
And a dull sky was no longer … Read the rest