Leaving Ohio

Leaving Ohio in the rain
South on Interstate Seventy-Five
Away from mountains of pain
And going back to feeling alive

Florida is calling me
The … Read the rest

Categorized as Places

Blue Skies and Smiles

Blue skies and big smiles
Are promised for tomorrow
But only if we go to the Canary Isles
And get away from sorrow

Cold winds, … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

Good Times

Are the good times really gone?
Is routine now the norm
As you drift on and on
Because we can always conform

But who owns … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

Warm Light of Love

Dancing in the dew
of a Spring morning
Thankful that Winter is through
And cold and snow have gone away

Running across meadows and fields… Read the rest

Categorized as Stories


Barcelona, Barcelona, Barcelona
Find a square, find a café
Just the place to enjoy a Corona
And dream your life away

Las Rambla. A street … Read the rest

Categorized as Cities

She Loves to Dance

She loves to dance
Night after night
Never giving anyone a glance
But her dance is a delight

Whatever the music
She moves with grace … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

The Wheel of Time

The wheel of time
Turns so fast
It’s such a crime
That so much is in the past

The wheel of time
Always writes our … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

The Headlights of Sorrow

I live in my own darkness
Never believing
I will ever see brightness
Through my grieving

The headlights of sorrow
Nightly light up my sleep… Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

I Suppose

I suppose I stay surprised
So different so close
But love is always in my eyes
Even in times of woes

I suppose twists and … Read the rest

Categorized as Love