In the hush of the dawn, a mist hangs across the land
And silently in whispers of the night
It talks of secrets hidden, that … Read the rest
My Poetry
The beach was quiet, seasons were changing
But we walked, we talked, we put the world to right
We recalled days in our past
Even … Read the rest
A Small Pub
A small pub in the heart of the city
Centuries have come through its doors
And it has welcomed all, rich and poor
But it … Read the rest
The Delta Lady
From the Delta she came, a voice pure and true
With her soft southern sounds, her life began anew
With each song she sang, the … Read the rest
The Bottle is Done
The champagne is gone, the bottle is done
A lunchtime to remember, or maybe to forget
But how do I forget that day we met… Read the rest
Their Place
It now stands empty, history has moved on
But once this was a place
That was worshipped, cared for, cherished
To enter your soul felt … Read the rest
Can I Have This Dance
The sun was dying, day as over
Trees sighed with a soft breeze
Birds circled seeking a place to rest
And I said can I … Read the rest
Has it happened again
Why am I always thwarted
Just when I thought I had sorted
Prince Rupert said no
Every time I plan an … Read the rest
I Heard the Thunder
I heard the thunder, I saw the storm
The day you told me our love was gone
The sky turned dark, my world was forlorn… Read the rest
The Tables are Empty
The tables are empty, the night is done
And heads into the early hours
We had talked, I said you were the one
But you … Read the rest