She came from nowhere, softly like the night
A whisper of wonder, riding the wind
Turning lives with her glance
An unknown beauty, a mystical … Read the rest
Category: Fairy Stories/Fantasies
The Wolf Moon
The wolf moon rose, fierce and bright
In a January chilled, crispy night
One hears a wolf howl from a distance land
That echoes through … Read the rest
The Singer and the Song
The singer stands on stage, alone
Their voice can soar, be soft or strong
Full of melodies that are brave and bold
They craft their … Read the rest
A Viking Story
The moon is low, the sea is still
The wind is a soft warm breeze
And we know Freyra will bless this day
As the … Read the rest
The Town Square
In the town square echoes of life have faded away
This was a place where fun and laughter danced
Now no footsteps are heard, silence … Read the rest
Their Place
It now stands empty, history has moved on
But once this was a place
That was worshipped, cared for, cherished
To enter your soul felt … Read the rest
Can I Have This Dance
The sun was dying, day as over
Trees sighed with a soft breeze
Birds circled seeking a place to rest
And I said can I … Read the rest
The Pool
In a winter’s wood, where shadows dance
There lies a pool where time has no meaning
Its surface reflects branches so bare and stark
And … Read the rest
Mirrors on a wall, standing tall
Each one a portal, each one gives out a call
Capturing souls in a glittering embrace
Reflecting dreams of … Read the rest
The Days of Old
We hold onto the memories of the past
We stroll down lanes of yesterday
Recalling moments of joy, oh why didn’t they last
Do all … Read the rest