The Past

You look over our shoulder, and the past is always there
Parts you recall with joy, parts with pain
Maybe somethings that are better not … Read the rest

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Throw the Dice

We walk on different sides of the street
Are there reasons why we walk alone
Perhaps a distance carved by fate’s cruel hand
Yet life’s … Read the rest

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Cotton Fields

When I left the cotton fields, I swore never to return
I left behind the soil, the toil, the sun’s never-ending burn
I lived a … Read the rest

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The beach was quiet, seasons were changing
But we walked, we talked, we put the world to right
We recalled days in our past
Even … Read the rest

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The Bottle is Done

The champagne is gone, the bottle is done
A lunchtime to remember, or maybe to forget
But how do I forget that day we met… Read the rest

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Has it happened again
Why am I always thwarted
Just when I thought I had sorted
Prince Rupert said no

Every time I plan an … Read the rest

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The Experience

Palm trees touching the ceiling
Quiet booths with big sofas and chairs
Your senses can be sent reeling
As you are offered so much choice… Read the rest

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I Walk a Straight Road

I walk a straight road, always looking forward
Eyes fixed on the horizon, dreams that never fade
The road stretches on, endless and true
It’s … Read the rest

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Skies of Blue

It is the summer, yet we wake to rain
Clouds hide the sun’s warm rays
We put on jumpers, feeling the chill again
We long … Read the rest

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In the dark of the night
Moments of sorrow softly walk
Tears fall ono pillows recalling the past
And we wish for the morning light… Read the rest

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