
Time, unseen but relentless
It weaves through our lives
Tiptoeing gently in the morning light
And racing through the darkness of the night

We blink, … Read the rest

Categorized as Life

Life is a Broken Road

Life is a broken road, winding and tired
Stones and potholes mark each weary mile
And dreams dissolve and hope can fade
Yet through the … Read the rest

Categorized as Life

Britain’s Got Talent

On a British stage talent gleams
With flash and flair like bad dreams
And yes sometimes flashy takes the lead
Within an over structured hollow … Read the rest

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Rest Easy

In the silence of a quiet room
I send my thoughts, gentle and kind
May the healing winds find you
And bring you wellness in … Read the rest

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Possibly today will be better than yesterday
Possibly today there will be no rain
Possibly today I will find red shoes
Possibly today my knee … Read the rest

Categorized as Life

A Day Trip to London

Trains – standing room only
Tube – disruption
Poetry event – very crowded
Raffle – won £50 worth of books
Harrods – very posh, but … Read the rest

Categorized as Life

Our Dreams

In our dreams we find a secret place
But why, I wonder, do they just slip away
As when dawn breaks and the world is … Read the rest

Categorized as Life

Garden of Life

We plant seeds of hope in the garden of life
And wait for our dreams to bloom
But dreams often don’t come true
And we … Read the rest

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The Silent Embrace of Loss

The silent embrace of loss hangs in the air
When grief’s shadows walk among us
Yet in those sorrowful moments we can find grace
As … Read the rest

Categorized as Life