Hearts can’t sleep when they are broken
Hearts may cry and moan
But hearts will never be alone
Hearts will always reach out seeking, hoping… Read the rest
Category: Love
Never Too Old To Love
You remember the fire of your youth
The thrill of a look, the excitement, the wonder
You want to hold a hand, your heart is … Read the rest
Born to Fly
When love leaves like the fading light
And sorrow lingers throughout the night
Know the truth, know it is strong
That your heart will always … Read the rest
The Magic That Mends Broken Hearts
Broken hearts cry, their tears can fill rivers
With sorrow that cannot hide
Broken hearts drink to drown never ending pain
Yet the ghosts of … Read the rest
A Valentine Nightmare
Has she forgotten about me
Does she know she lives in my heart
I have tried to say, to show
But still, we get further … Read the rest
Hearts May Age
Hearts may age, their rhythm will slow
Their lights may dim, scars may show
Yet they continue to laugh, to cry
As they reach … Read the rest
He promised champagne and roses
But did he offer love
He promised you the world
But did you see the dove
I only promise my … Read the rest
I never asked for more
But don’t my eyes say it all
In a quiet look, there’s a silent call
A secret waiting to be … Read the rest
Counting on You
By counting on you, my strength is made whole
You lift me up, filling the holes in my soul
With your love in my heart, … Read the rest
Counting on You
By counting on you, my strength is made whole
You lift me up, filling the holes in my soul
With your love in my heart, … Read the rest