As twilight fell
Our love died
My heart was in hell
And I thought of suicide
But you came to me
Undemanding, understanding
Lifting me … Read the rest
As twilight fell
Our love died
My heart was in hell
And I thought of suicide
But you came to me
Undemanding, understanding
Lifting me … Read the rest
Postcards from here, there and everywhere
But will you ever return to me?
If you could only understand how I care
But all I get … Read the rest
I wrote you a song
But how can words capture
The rights and wrongs
Of how my heart is in rapture
A song with words … Read the rest
How do I make you see me?
There day after day
But you never see the real me
Is it time I went away?
Daily … Read the rest
I live in your sunshine
Without you my soul is empty
But you never never realise
What you mean to me
I live in your … Read the rest
How do I open your heart?
And unlock the icy padlock
I know it was broken apart
And is now a rock
Hear my heart … Read the rest
Sometimes I forget
How precious you are
Every day since we met
You have been my brightest star
Sometimes I forget
You were always the … Read the rest
How can you ask
Do I love you
Was my face behind a mask
Did I not give you every clue?
Did you dream
There … Read the rest
I think of you in my dreams
I want you in my arms
At least that’s how it seems
Have I fallen for your charms?… Read the rest
Love cure all broken hearts
But can you reopen the door
And find all the parts
Scattered over the tragedy floor
How easy can it … Read the rest