
The storm clouds have gone
Lifted from my heart
Like sun follows rain
I have found my Babylon

Since we meet that day
The light … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

The Golden Gates

The golden gates of contentment
Opened when you entered my life
Banishing my baggage of resentment
Your love cutting through my pain like a knife… Read the rest

Categorized as Love

The Hard Shoulder of Love

Can love ever be wrong?
Does your heart drift
Onto the hard shoulder of love
It’s time to hear its song and be strong

Can … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

The Butterfly of Love

The butterfly of love
Touches us daily
Gently landing on our hearts
As softly as a velvet glove

It flutters over us all
So quiet, … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

A Space in Time

Love lives in a space in time
Delicate and fragile
Reach out carefully
If you wish to grasp its wonder

Love lives in a space … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

Lightning Flashed

So far away, so near to touch
So, wanting to touch, so out of reach
This mess is getting too much
Is it time we … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

Return to Life

How could I not love you?
At my lowest and you appeared
Such a chance to start anew
Wiping away everything I feared

The man … Read the rest

Categorized as Love