The storm clouds have gone
Lifted from my heart
Like sun follows rain
I have found my Babylon
Since we meet that day
The light … Read the rest
The storm clouds have gone
Lifted from my heart
Like sun follows rain
I have found my Babylon
Since we meet that day
The light … Read the rest
The golden gates of contentment
Opened when you entered my life
Banishing my baggage of resentment
Your love cutting through my pain like a knife… Read the rest
Can love ever be wrong?
Does your heart drift
Onto the hard shoulder of love
It’s time to hear its song and be strong
Can … Read the rest
The butterfly of love
Touches us daily
Gently landing on our hearts
As softly as a velvet glove
It flutters over us all
So quiet, … Read the rest
I still remember that Summer
Twenty years have gone
But it remains a wonder
Our first kiss, so many since
Bound our hearts
And I … Read the rest
Can I stay in your life for a while?
So captivated by your smile
I was lost when I saw you
You were the one, … Read the rest
Love lives in a space in time
Delicate and fragile
Reach out carefully
If you wish to grasp its wonder
Love lives in a space … Read the rest
So far away, so near to touch
So, wanting to touch, so out of reach
This mess is getting too much
Is it time we … Read the rest
How could I not love you?
At my lowest and you appeared
Such a chance to start anew
Wiping away everything I feared
The man … Read the rest
How can I not want to shower you with kisses?
When I am with you my heart smiles
Telling me this is
a love that … Read the rest