I Walked Away

I walked away from the hills, the people, my life
Seeking a world I didn’t know
But I wanted more, a new life
I saw … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

In Your Heart’s Embrace

I rest my weary soul, in your heart’s embrace
It’s been so long, been so lost, drifting through endless space
I thought love was gone … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

The Greatest Gift

The greatest gift I ever got
Were three words that I hold in my heart
The greatest gift I ever got
Is always with me, … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

Love is Always Inside

You may not know, but love is always inside
It waits, quietly, till your heart
Tells you listen, I am your guide
It’s time to … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

Many Roads, Many Turns

I have travelled many roads, some winding, some straight
With turns that led to joy, with turns that led to pain
I have walked through … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

Whispers Only For You

Whispers only for you, heard only by you
Is this how you know when loves talks
They tell you this is the one, the real … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

Destiny is a River

Destiny is a river, winding through our life, our time
Water calm and quiet and it whispers peace
It wraps us in its gentle embrace… Read the rest

Categorized as Love

That Smile

In my silent moments, when sunlight fades
My heart remembers that smile full of grace
It drove away darkness, banished my tears
As that smile … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

The Dance of Hearts

The dance of hearts creates a bond
Once you have given your heart, your all
It’s a trust which can never abscond
It binds hearts … Read the rest

Categorized as Love