
A criminal for a Prime-Minister
Doesn’t that seem sinister
Are there other crimes to be uncovered
And more wrong doings to be discovered

Why do … Read the rest

Categorized as Political

Bugger the Law

Let’s have a party
And bugger the law
Says Boris the smarty

But now the law says guilty
So, Boris wonders
Will the country show … Read the rest

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Well Maybe

It’s the last day of January
We have the Gray report, well maybe
So no chance of being merry
But we might all go crazy… Read the rest

Categorized as Political

The Report

Still no report, wait another day
I wonder will there be a parry to launch it
And will it make partygate go away
Or will … Read the rest

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Boris’s Birthday

While the country was locked down
Let’s have a birthday party says Boris The Clown
Carrie provided the cake
And no one said this is … Read the rest

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Tumultuous Times

Tumultuous times are with us
A PM who lies to one and all
But the public are now making a fuss
And trying to make … Read the rest

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Dominic Says

Dominic says Boris knew
A party was coming
Boris says no not true
So, the airways are humming

Who do the public
Turn to for … Read the rest

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Change the Subject

Change the subject
Don’t talk about parties
Or the Tories will object
But they never say sorry

Wait for a report they say
It will … Read the rest

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Party Time

It’s garden party time at Number Ten
Boris says don’t worry no one will know
So we can do it again and again
But only … Read the rest

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The sycophants are out
On TV, on radio
Trying to get us to doubt
That Boris should go

He has lied to the House
And … Read the rest

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