Sorry says Boris The Clown
What for I ask
Is it because he’s losing his crown?
Are we now seeing behind his mask?
A liar … Read the rest
Sorry says Boris The Clown
What for I ask
Is it because he’s losing his crown?
Are we now seeing behind his mask?
A liar … Read the rest
Is Boris the Clown lying again?
He makes an “unreserved apologies”
But is that now in vain
Don’t we see his words as mythology
Work … Read the rest
Boris The Clown tells us
China also doesn’t have any drivers
So why are we making a fuss?
Perhaps The Clown thinks he is our … Read the rest
We are told all is well
But no drivers, no fuel, no food
But the Government says we’re not in hell
Really, we say, we … Read the rest
The Clown says don’t panic
There’s plenty of fuel
Just not near you
So how the hell do I get to school
The Clown says … Read the rest
Mental Health Week is coming
More important than ever
Lockdowns have been numbing
For many possible pain for ever
Stuck at home, no face-to-face contact… Read the rest
Today is Polling Day
Place your cross
And have your say
Or democracy will suffer a loss
Pick a party, pick a name
You can … Read the rest
Flowers and chocolates
It will soon be that February day
But this year dig deep in your pockets
And if you are healthy, pray
Express … Read the rest
I know what I know
I know what I feel
The joy of being free
The joy of being me
I know what I know… Read the rest
The lights of the nation again shines bright
Across all parts of the States
Bring day back to the endless night
Defeating the dragons of … Read the rest