
We live in a world of rage
Anger all around us
And we act like we are on a stage
With no time to discuss… Read the rest

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Our World

Life so rapidly passes
One day a youth
The next you are wearing glasses
But you can’t fight the truth

So, live every day for … Read the rest

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Our World

Life so rapidly passes
One day a youth
The next you are wearing glasses
But you can’t fight the truth

So, live every day for … Read the rest

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Better Days

Are they behind us?
Or are they ahead
Who cares, don’t make a fuss
Just enjoy them before you are dead

We always remember them… Read the rest

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Endeavour 2

How often do you hear?
“Put your best foot forward”
Does it go and out of your ear?
Or does it make you feel awkward… Read the rest

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Endeavour 1

How hard do you try?
To reach the sky
Testing “how good am I”
And it can make you cry

But you know what you … Read the rest

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How Would You Feel

How would you feel
Without love in your soul
How would you feel
To live life without a goal

How would you feel
Not to … Read the rest

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Time For a Change

It is time for a change
To find a new challenge
A time to rearrange
And get your life back in balance

Don’t reflect, act … Read the rest

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Why do we long for the past
“The good old days”
That went so fast
Why didn’t we change our ways?

Do we really want … Read the rest

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