The Angels Cried

The angels cried when our love died
A love so pure, so ripped apart
Their tears fell like rain from heaven
Filling the hole in my heart

The moon once so bright is black
Stars above lost their light
When our love died
And darkness shrouded the night

In the garden flowers ceased to bloom
They saw the love we knew
Our joy and laughter
But now all is blue

I am lost in an endless dream
I thought we had a love so strong
But now it is gone
And the wind sings a mournful song

I walk the streets broken and alone
But just want to stop and hide
As deep in my heart
Is nothing but pain since our love died

The angels cry, the heaven sighs
They wonder why did love fade away
I search for an answer I can’t find
And wish away every day

I now stand beneath the sky
Carrying memories of tears that I cried
That still never cease
And the angels continue to cry for a love that died.