Under the Trees

The rain caught us in the park
Just an ordinary spring day
So, we ran under the trees
And waited for the rain to go … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

Today is a Holiday

The morning is dull
Rain has fallen
Birds in the trees
Hold back their song

Today is a holiday
But nothing is stirring
Will clouds … Read the rest

Categorized as Political

See You

My life is full
I go where I want, and I am never blue
But if I close my eyes
I see you

I enjoy … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

Many Mountains

So many mountains stand
In the way
But don’t linger in the sand
Today might be the day

Find the words that lie
Unsaid in … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

Love’s Light

The voice in our head
Says no never no
But are we being misled
Doesn’t our heart know

Heart over head must always win
As … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

A Team

There is no I in team
As we are always told
But being in a team is more than a dream
It calls for all … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

The British People

Politicians talk of serving
The British people
It can be very unnerving
As doesn’t serving mean lie to

Do the real British people
Support draconian … Read the rest

Categorized as Political