The square was emptying
As the dusk silently spread
Café tables and chairs were stacked
Wine bottles were dead
But tomorrow café life will restart… Read the rest
The square was emptying
As the dusk silently spread
Café tables and chairs were stacked
Wine bottles were dead
But tomorrow café life will restart… Read the rest
Trucks going north to south, east to west
On dark nights on dark roads
All carrying a full load
With little time to rest
Trucks … Read the rest
The sound of New Orleans
Cuts into the night
Jazzy, moody and cool
Making your world feel right
Songs of love, songs of need
Stories … Read the rest
The smile in your eyes
Stole my heart away
The touch of your hands
Made my heart skip and play
Where did you come from… Read the rest
Integrity, professionalism and accountability
PM Dishi Rishi’s words of intent
But words with no credibility
As appointing bullies to his cabinet was not an accident… Read the rest
Our Dominic is an unhappy bunny
Resigning with an injured tone
But Dominic, bullying is not funny
Its victims can feel very alone
So, let’s … Read the rest
The sun is up and bright
Market Drayton is at its best
Finally there is delight
And residents feel blessed
The drabness of winter
Is … Read the rest
Today is nearing its end
Rain fell, sun shone
Was someone casting a spell
From high in the sky on their throne
Wind blew, trees … Read the rest
It was a nothing sort of day
The night was gone
But the day still had to decide
If only we could have a say… Read the rest
Easter is again with us
Time to eat chocolate eggs without a fuss
But also, a time to reflect on life
And all the horrors … Read the rest