What arouses curiosity, what fascinates
A film, a poem, a book
What is it that captivates?
Will it make us look?
What draws us to … Read the rest
What arouses curiosity, what fascinates
A film, a poem, a book
What is it that captivates?
Will it make us look?
What draws us to … Read the rest
Write a poem be a new bard
Seeking originality, something new
Where do I find it, sometimes hard
As my mind is often in a … Read the rest
Christmas in the new normal
What does it mean, what do we do?
Do we have to be extremely formal?
Do any of us have … Read the rest
What is special about Christmas
Cards, presents, trees, light
But don’t forget forgiveness
It’s a time to make things right
So easy today words that … Read the rest
The red of the evening light hangs like blood over the world
Suffering, pain and bewilderment is everywhere
We are a world of plenty
Somewhere … Read the rest
It’s day one of my new life
The New Normal started here
But it was good to get home and tell the wife
I really … Read the rest
The Summer is hot
People congregate
The sun shines
People discuss their fate
The air is warm
People want fun
The wind is balmy
People … Read the rest
There were no sounds in the air
Quiet rolled across the lake
It was silence everywhere
Is this eeriness a mistake?
Was it the quiet … Read the rest
She floated through the world
Nothing touched her, it was her oyster
She has never been third,
not even second
But he left her for … Read the rest
Schools are a dilemma
To open, to remine shut
Politicians lie
Scientists clarify
There are three weeks
For the design of new techniques
Masks, visors… Read the rest