The chicane on the water
Rapidly approaching
Watch out for the otter
Does our skipper need coaching?
Steer left, steer right
Mind the barge
Ducks … Read the rest
The chicane on the water
Rapidly approaching
Watch out for the otter
Does our skipper need coaching?
Steer left, steer right
Mind the barge
Ducks … Read the rest
Behave as if we have Covid 19
The new mantra to learn
Idiots without masks queuing for the guillotine
Is it time for Governments to … Read the rest
Jazz riffs gently filled the air
Scent of roses everywhere
As she entered the room with confident flair
All eyes turned to see the lady … Read the rest
Lockdown is done, it’s over
Replaced by Tier Three
Are we now in clover?
And we can go on a spree
But stop, isn’t Tier … Read the rest
Lockdown two is ending
Tiers taking its place
These bending to allow spending
But people still need to be aware of space
Drink what you … Read the rest
Dutch barges, canals, bikes, drug cafes
Amsterdam is calling
This is a city that puts you in a haze
But beware you may end up … Read the rest
Today is the day
Time for you to have a say
Don’t hear voices saying later
They are being dictators
Today is the day
Time … Read the rest
Why do we seek salvation?
What for I ask, isn’t my mind free
Which line do I join in the station
To admit wrongs and … Read the rest
On my way to Timbuktu
Crossroads of the desert
Backpack on my back
And dying to see the view
On my way to Timbuktu
The … Read the rest
There is no going back
Words can’t be unsaid
If only they could go in a sack
And placed with the dead
Words stay in … Read the rest