We are told the art is dead
Why speak, just text
Worried that the trend will spread
What in God’s name is next?
Talking is … Read the rest
We are told the art is dead
Why speak, just text
Worried that the trend will spread
What in God’s name is next?
Talking is … Read the rest
Bourbon Street is in my soul
Fabulous music in a bowl
Blues, Jazz, Cajun
and always an occasion
French Quarter, mystical and inspiring
Strolling there … Read the rest
My castle holds me captive
I don’t climb the walls these days
I have forgotten to be adaptive
And my days are spent in a … Read the rest
We are in a new normal
Don’t mix, don’t talk
Make sure you are formal
Get out and walk but don’t talk
I took up … Read the rest
I fly the sky
So, so high
Above the clouds
Transporting crowds
Many lives in my hands
All with different plans
Taken safely to their … Read the rest
The day the sluice gate broke
“Unprecedented” was the word
And no one could do a stroke
Even occasionally a naughty word was heard
Kennet … Read the rest
Walking barefoot in the sand
The sea is mine
So close to the land
But I am fine
Beaches draw me
Sand and sun attract… Read the rest
It takes a while to make her smile
Chocolates, flowers, perfume
to no avail
Seeing her smile, it’s been a while
Once her smile lite … Read the rest
Crossing the water
So slow, go faster
I want to get to my daughter
Stop a disaster
The spray on my face
adding to my … Read the rest
Death is always waiting
More years behind than in front
But death can wait I am creating
Death is always waiting
From day one it … Read the rest