The God of Death

I am here to give men
Their pleasure in spilling blood
Over centuries, again and again
Often in battlefields of dirt and mud

I depict … Read the rest

Categorized as Political


War, such an aggressive sound
One that enters your brain
And you think battlefield
Or even worse nuclear rain

A word, it seems to me… Read the rest

Categorized as Political

Today is a Holiday

The morning is dull
Rain has fallen
Birds in the trees
Hold back their song

Today is a holiday
But nothing is stirring
Will clouds … Read the rest

Categorized as Political

The British People

Politicians talk of serving
The British people
It can be very unnerving
As doesn’t serving mean lie to

Do the real British people
Support draconian … Read the rest

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Not All Sleeping

Integrity, professionalism and accountability
PM Dishi Rishi’s words of intent
But words with no credibility
As appointing bullies to his cabinet was not an accident… Read the rest

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Bye Bye Raab

Our Dominic is an unhappy bunny
Resigning with an injured tone
But Dominic, bullying is not funny
Its victims can feel very alone

So, let’s … Read the rest

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Just Write

It’s International Poetry Day so be bold
Time for simple verses
From poets young and old
Maybe even about doctors and nurses

So, put pen … Read the rest

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Amazing People

What will ever warm their soul
Brave men and women searching
As exploring broken buildings does take a toll
When they are listening for anything, … Read the rest

Categorized as Political