A Fallen Star

Twice bitten, twice shy
Trump impeached again
But never shy, he will deny
Get him out of Washington on a plane

Inciting a riot, his … Read the rest

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Democracy was Fragile

Trump has trumped himself
Encouraging mayhem, causing death
Finally, the man shows his true self
While America held its breath

Democracy was fragile, ready to … Read the rest

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Indecision still haunts the USA
What to do with Trump?
When is America going to see a new day?
While Trump hides in the White … Read the rest

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Box in Hand

Cummings has gone, box in hand
The engine of Number 10 has stalled
Was his leaving planned
Will his going make Boris bald?

Machiavellian theories … Read the rest

Categorized as Political


Fysh, Merriman and Walker
Tories to their roots
Each becoming a talker

Stop U turns, this today, that tomorrow
More Tories wait in the wings … Read the rest

Categorized as Political