Mighty No More

By the side of a country lane
Its branches reached for the sky
A mighty tree full of grandeur
That for ages stood tall and … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

A Whisper of Magic

In the market town where cold winds rule
Cheshire Street, once busy, now stands still
Market stalls are empty and bare
As we all caught, … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

A Lake in Winter

A cloudy rainy Winter’s day
A quiet country lake where geese
Dance in the rain, a waltz in line
A delight to see on a … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

An Old Market Hall

In a bustling square of modern shops
An old market hall stands full of tales of old
A place once full of merchants with wonderous … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

A Humble Shed

In a quiet corner of a market town
Stands a humble shed where men with flair
And tools in their hands
Take on projects with … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

Ginger & Spice Festival

In a market town beside a canal
A festival blooms with fragrant delight
Ginger and spice dance in colourful grace
Raising the town’s morale

The … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

Falling Leaves

Love is like falling leaves from a tree
Each leaf a memory, a fleeting touch
That flutters down like kisses in the air
Dancing upon … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

A Lake

 Hidden away from the bustling crowds
Under a sunny sky and cotton wool clouds
Lies a quiet lake of crystal clear water
Where the grass … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire