A Handful of Life

In the palm of time, we have a handful of life
We are given moments to hold dear
Each one a story waiting to be lived
To craft our tale, to conquer fear

In the palm of fate, our days are held
So, in our handful of life, we have a chance to strive
To set our dreams alight, our passions aflame
To make the most of being alive

With the dawn of every sunrise, a new beginning
With our handful of life, we weave and spin
Laughter and tears, joy and sorrow
So, embrace our journey, through thick and thin

Every breath we take is a whisper of fate
A portrait of experiences, small and great
And the colours of destiny intertwine
But to live our handful of life we must participate

So, seize each moment, don’t hesitate
In the handful of life we’re given
Embrace all put before us
And make our short time worth living.