Christmas in the new normal
What does it mean, what do we do?
Do we have to be extremely formal?
Do any of us have … Read the rest
Author: George Ruddock
What is special about Christmas
Cards, presents, trees, light
But don’t forget forgiveness
It’s a time to make things right
So easy today words that … Read the rest
The red of the evening light hangs like blood over the world
Suffering, pain and bewilderment is everywhere
We are a world of plenty
Somewhere … Read the rest
Dancing the New Normal
It’s day one of my new life
The New Normal started here
But it was good to get home and tell the wife
I really … Read the rest
The Summer is hot
People congregate
The sun shines
People discuss their fate
The air is warm
People want fun
The wind is balmy
People … Read the rest
Silence Broken
There were no sounds in the air
Quiet rolled across the lake
It was silence everywhere
Is this eeriness a mistake?
Was it the quiet … Read the rest
She floated through the world
Nothing touched her, it was her oyster
She has never been third,
not even second
But he left her for … Read the rest
Bugger the Consequences
Schools are a dilemma
To open, to remine shut
Politicians lie
Scientists clarify
There are three weeks
For the design of new techniques
Masks, visors… Read the rest
Why Were You Taken
The cold of the wind mirrors the cold in my heart
Why were you taken from me so early?
I never dreamt we would ever … Read the rest
How smug and self-satisfying are our lives
Are we scared of the knives
that threaten our views every day?
Do we ever consider we should … Read the rest