The Fens

The place is unique
The air is clean
The land is flat
And at times it seems serene

Dykes crisscross The Fens
Carrying water to … Read the rest

Categorized as Places

A Beacon of Hope

The hurricane tore through the city
Nothing was safe before its fury
And it showed no pity
As it ran its course

But the statue … Read the rest

Categorized as Cities


A storm cloud gathers like a shroud
Darkness will soon cover the land
And this ominous cloud
Will deliver a torrential downpour

But the earth … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

A Right of Way

The path was straight and true
Sturdy fencing marking a route
That is as old as history
But still here for me and you

A … Read the rest

Fathers Day

We are not always the best
Role model in the family
We are after all men
So, is Fathers Day a test

Do we get … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories


Passing over the land
Memories were stirred
As poppies were appearing
And we remember what occurred

We fought at Passchenendaele
Where poppies were drowned
In … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

The Bridge

The sun was leaving the sky
The evening was ours
To meet at the bridge
To talk about desires

We had something, we always knew… Read the rest

Categorized as Love