Dawn breaks over Jerusalem
But again, peace has gone
Yet don’t we all want to say Amen
And pray for a new Babylon
Jerusalem, a … Read the rest
Dawn breaks over Jerusalem
But again, peace has gone
Yet don’t we all want to say Amen
And pray for a new Babylon
Jerusalem, a … Read the rest
I drive in lanes with no cars
The countryside enters my heart
And at night I see, in all their glory, stars
Maybe I need … Read the rest
I had lunch today
In a pub next to a canal
Which had once been a mighty waterway highway
And certainly not in Amsterdam
Now … Read the rest
The gifts in my life are few
But as precious as gold
They lift me and see me through
When sadness takes hold
My gifts … Read the rest
It travels at its own pace
Taking us here, there and everywhere
To a sad or a lonely place
And at times it doesn’t seem … Read the rest
We spend our lives remembering
The way things used to be
Of love growing like flowers in spring
Or days beside a peaceful sea
But … Read the rest
The first light of the morning
Rises over the school buildings
Soon the sun will be shining
On a playground of children
As they start … Read the rest
The first light of the morning
Rises over the school buildings
Soon the sun will be shining
On a playground of children
As they start … Read the rest
The rocking horse now stands alone
Once used so often
The children now flown
But it is not forgotten
It now has a new home… Read the rest
It’s International Poetry Day so be bold
Time for simple verses
From poets young and old
Maybe even about doctors and nurses
So, put pen … Read the rest