
Dawn breaks over Jerusalem
But again, peace has gone
Yet don’t we all want to say Amen
And pray for a new Babylon

Jerusalem, a … Read the rest

Categorized as Cities

New Pals

I had lunch today
In a pub next to a canal
Which had once been a mighty waterway highway
And certainly not in Amsterdam

Now … Read the rest

Categorized as Canals

The Gifts in my Life

The gifts in my life are few
But as precious as gold
They lift me and see me through
When sadness takes hold

My gifts … Read the rest

Categorized as Happy

The Passage of Life

It travels at its own pace
Taking us here, there and everywhere
To a sad or a lonely place
And at times it doesn’t seem … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

First Light

The first light of the morning
Rises over the school buildings
Soon the sun will be shining
On a playground of children

As they start … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire

First Light

The first light of the morning
Rises over the school buildings
Soon the sun will be shining
On a playground of children

As they start … Read the rest

Categorized as Stories

Just Write

It’s International Poetry Day so be bold
Time for simple verses
From poets young and old
Maybe even about doctors and nurses

So, put pen … Read the rest

Categorized as Political