Red and Yellow

In a field of green, where sunshine gleams
You will see a red tractor with yellow wheels
A beast worthy of dreams
As you watch … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire


In memories embrace, a smile comes
Though time has passed some love remains
And in every smile memories weave
Melodies that forever sustains

Hearts are … Read the rest

Categorized as Love

A Life’s Admin Day

There comes a time for a life’s admin day
A time to sort and organise
To get paperwork done, dusted and filed away
In neatly … Read the rest

Categorized as Happy

The Electric Dragon

In waters still, the Electric Dragon does glide
No sails to be seen, no engine loud
A modern narrow boat full of pride
Just cruising … Read the rest

Categorized as Canals

Harvest Time

In the garden’s embrace, a scene appears
A damson tree with branches laden, bowing low
It wants to tell a story
About its ripening fruit … Read the rest

Categorized as Shropshire