A patchwork of wonderous colours
Spreads across the Shropshire land
Is this a painting by numbers
Coloured by natures hand
Fields of yellow, green and … Read the rest
A patchwork of wonderous colours
Spreads across the Shropshire land
Is this a painting by numbers
Coloured by natures hand
Fields of yellow, green and … Read the rest
I have guarded this forest
For so so many years
I have witnessed peace and unrest
Seen laughter and tears
Children have climbed in my … Read the rest
Intrepid canal travellers slowly float
Through the Shropshire countryside
Many on a decorative narrow boat
Don’t you want to hitch a ride
Entering and exiting … Read the rest
In a wooden glade
She silently stands
This wise old owl
That is never afraid
Forest walkers stop for a chat
Some seeking knowledge and … Read the rest
I left to see, to learn
From the wonders in the world
But I knew I would return
As Shropshire’s rolling hills held my heart… Read the rest
The countryside is at peace
The sun is shining on green pastures
Even the tractors are resting
As I stop and gaze in rapture
Nature … Read the rest
That old dirt road
Never leaves my mind
That old dirt road
Where love was blind
That old dirt road
Where we played for hours… Read the rest
The sun is up and bright
Market Drayton is at its best
Finally there is delight
And residents feel blessed
The drabness of winter
Is … Read the rest
I drive in lanes with no cars
The countryside enters my heart
And at night I see, in all their glory, stars
Maybe I need … Read the rest
The first light of the morning
Rises over the school buildings
Soon the sun will be shining
On a playground of children
As they start … Read the rest