The Clock of Destiny

At any time the clock of destiny calls
A haunting sound that finds our soul
Yet daily we dance with time, even as fate’s curtain … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

The Soul of the Night

In the cold embrace of night’s dark veil
The soul of the night weeps for my sad tale
Days stretch out endlessly
Weighted down with … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

I Miss You

I long for a life without heartaches sway
Wanting dreams of freedom from sorrow
Yet your memory walks the corridors of my mind
And it … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

Lover’s Moon

In the velvet of the night
Where stars gentle gleam
A lover’s moon hangs distant and serene
Stirring memories of times long gone

A lover’s … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

Always in My Heart

In the chamber of my mind
Where whispers speak of you
Creating works of beauty and art
That then dwell always in my heart

In … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

A Silent Lament

In the shadowy quiet of a wistful night
A heart beats in loneliness
Trapped in the arms of love’s enduring pain
It struggles with an … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

The Angels Cried

The angels cried when our love died
A love so pure, so ripped apart
Their tears fell like rain from heaven
Filling the hole in … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

My Song

You are always in my heart and my song
I sing about times, good and bad
But they all have gone
And I only feel … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow

See You

My life is full
I go where I want, and I am never blue
But if I close my eyes
I see you

I enjoy … Read the rest

Categorized as Sorrow